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Opioid epidemics? Opioid crisis? How can Pharmaceutical Compounding can Help


We keep on hearing these terms quite often lately on all media channels:

  • On TV – news channels, economics, finance, even government infomercials
  • On the radio
  • Online – Yahoo, Google, Facebook, etc.
  • Journals, magazines and newspapers

The reason? – it became a serious problem that draw attention from: doctors, politicians, economists, investment advisors, insurance companies, investigators, journalists, scientists, etc.

Most parties try to understand how did we get here and some try to place the blame on certain parties.

Bottom line – it is not only a very serious problem, it is also a very complex one. So, no just one party is to be blamed.

What to do? – find a solution! Being such a serious and complex issue, the solution is not going to be an easy one and probably many parties will play a role in the game.

Haldey pharmaceutical compounding can bring a small contribution in easing the crisis with many of its time-tested transdermal pain management customized medications for many chronic pain-related conditions.

By now, we all – including the president – know that the opioid use, misuse and abuse became:

  • A huge epidemic
  • A serious national health crisis
  • A social stigma
  • A national economic burden
  • A political concern

Let us see some reality numbers (from NIH):

  • Every day, more than 90 Americans die after overdosing on opioids.
  • Roughly 21 to 29 percent of patients prescribed opioids for chronic pain misuse them.
  • Between 8 and 12 percent develop an opioid use disorder.
  • An estimated 4 to 6 percent who misuse prescription opioids transition to heroin.
  • About 80 percent of people who use heroin first misused prescription opioids.

Let us take a look at this diagram:

And we live in a country and an era with the most advances in medicine! How ironic!

Analysis of the cause and the consequences has been and continue to be done by experts in many fields: health, economy, politics, etc.

NIH recommended actions to address this enormous issue with a myriad of implications:

  1. improving access to treatment and recovery services
  2. promoting use of overdose-reversing drugs
  3. strengthening our understanding of the epidemic through better public health surveillance
  4. providing support for cutting-edge research on pain and addiction
  5. advancing better practices for pain management

More questions:

How practical are these measures?

How long will it take to create the material for these measures?

When are they going to be implemented?


Definitely longer than we want and need!

Q:        In the interim, what do we do? Wait?

A:        NO! Transdermal pain formulations can help many chronic pain sufferers taper off and even get completely off prescription opioid drugs. This can be done only by using a professional COMPOUNDING PHARMACY. A licensed health care practitioner may prescribe customized transdermal pain management formulations to help the patients, based on their unique situation.

When choosing a compounding pharmacy with the best in mind – HALDEY Pharmaceutical Compounding should be your #1 choice.

As experts in the compounding industry, the pharmacists and staff at HALDEY can help many practitioners help their patients with these customized options for better outcomes.



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1. Contact your bank or credit card provider to report the transaction.
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For Authentic Haldey Compounded Preparations:

✅ Be sure your prescriber is licensed and has sent a prescription into our pharmacy directly via electronic prescribing, fax, hard copy, or verbal authorization as applicable per NYS law.

Important Note:

Haldey is NOT an online pharmacy. We do not offer any patient direct online ordering. We only work with licensed prescribers who have an established patient-physician relationship. Any entity offering direct online sales under our name is illegitimate and unauthorized.


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