Advancing Quality with Haldey! We're committed to excellence in personalized solutions. Together with prescribers and patients, we create outcomes that matter.

Enter your phone number to get started
Receive a text or email with quick easy forms and next step recommendations
Start receiving personalized compounds, non-prescription products, and/or services.

Finally, a pharmacy that empowers me to live at my best.

Finally, Convenient, Efficient, and Timely Communication

Finally, a guide who can point me in the right direction

Are you trying everything and still not achieving the results you want?

Having helped thousands of patients overcome their battles, Haldey’s expert pharmacist team can help you take significant steps towards wellness again.

Convenient for you

Receive timely updates on your prescriptions status. Never arrive not knowing your order is perfect. Order refills via convenient text message or e-mail.

Focused on your success

Follow Up by pharmacists with advanced training to help you reach your goals. Auto-ship so you never miss your vital medications.

Guaranteed Personalized Service

We guarantee you will love us or we will transfer your records to a pharmacy of your choice at no cost to you.

I have a compounding pharmacy, why would I switch?

Do your current pharmacists have up-to-date, advanced, specialized training related to your treatment?

Your Haldey pharmacists do, using a variety of skills to help patients heal.

Can your current pharmacy or health store provide unique, individualized solutions to you and/or your doctor?

Your Haldey pharmacists can, while compassionately understanding the difficulties you've encountered on your health journey.

Do you feel more confident and knowledgeable about your medications and treatment?

You will at Haldey, working towards optimal function and health.

Is your body functioning at its best? The right supplements can make all the difference.

Looking for a specific service? Haldey has you covered


You can see the difference in Haldey.


TRYM Health ( is illegally using our name and misrepresenting Haldey products. We have no affiliation with them. If you made a purchase through TRYM Health believing it was Haldey, take the following actions immediately:

Steps to Take:

1. Contact your bank or credit card provider to report the transaction.
2. Request a refund for any unauthorized charges.
3. Report the incident to:
   • Local law enforcement
   • Better Business Bureau (BBB)
   • Federal Trade Commission (FTC) at

For Authentic Haldey Compounded Preparations:

✅ Be sure your prescriber is licensed and has sent a prescription into our pharmacy directly via electronic prescribing, fax, hard copy, or verbal authorization as applicable per NYS law.

Important Note:

Haldey is NOT an online pharmacy. We do not offer any patient direct online ordering. We only work with licensed prescribers who have an established patient-physician relationship. Any entity offering direct online sales under our name is illegitimate and unauthorized.


Stay safe and ensure you’re only working with trusted providers.

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We are Excited to MEET YOU!

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