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Sex and Sexual Dysfunction


There is a well-known saying: “It takes two to tango”.

Usually the same applies for a sexual encounter and relationship. In a normal sexual encounter both parties need to be sexually healthy.  Normal sexual function/response consists in three phases: desire, arousal and orgasm.  So, when we talk about sexual dysfunction, we must take into consideration all three phases of the sexual response.

When sexual dysfunction is mentioned though, there is a common tendency to think that it is just about ED = erectile dysfunction.  It may be true that sexual dysfunction is more frequently discussed, complained about, assessed and treated for male patients.  And it may be true that ED component of the sexual dysfunction is the one mostly talked about.  That is because a difficult erection or the lack of it is much more important and easier to notice than the other phases of the sexual response.

Sexual dysfunction has many causes and multiple factors that can contribute to it.  For male patients with sexual dysfunction, there are various commercially available solutions for the majority of the cases, no matter the cause or factors contributing to it.  Beyond those commercially available solution options, compounding pharmacies can offer alternative treatment options that can better fit the patient’s needs.

Sexual problems are common in women too, but it is a topic seldom discussed openly with health care providers. In the U.S., 40 percent of women between the ages of 45-64 have sexual concerns, but only 12 percent of them actually report sexual dysfunction problems to their doctors.  Most women with sexual complaints, have issues that impact more than one phase of the normal sexual response (desire, arousal and orgasm).   There are not too many commercially available options to help women who encounter sexual dysfunction issues.  Fortunately, there are several options a compounding pharmacy can offer, that may be used by these patients, both men and women.

Here are some of the active ingredients as part of the individualized solutions a compounding pharmacy can offer to help the patients for their sexually related complaints.

  • Oxytocin – usually referred to as “the love hormone.” It has been researched, studied and effectively used for many medical conditions, including lactation, uterine contractions during labor, social bonding and behavior management in autism, and even wound healing. There are many clinical references available to support the compounded use of the chemical. It can be used in compounded formulations for sexual dysfunction both for male and female patients.
  • Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) – also called “the mother of all hormones”, is another option for both men and women, particularly when the cause of sexual dysfunction is hormonal deficiency or hormonal imbalance.
  • Testosterone – the very well-known major male sexual hormone, declines with age, leading to hormone deficiency or hormonal imbalance having as a potential consequence sexual dysfunction. It can also be used for female patients with hormone deficiency or hormonal imbalance. Obviously, the strength used in compounded/individualized formulations will be gender appropriate and case specific.

These are just a few examples of the active ingredient components of the various customized formulations that can be created/prescribed for sexual dysfunction in men and women.

Please talk to your health care provider and ask if s/he is working with a reliable, dedicated and knowledgeable compounding pharmacist to get help with any sexual or hormone related issues you may have.

Let HALDEY Pharmaceutical Compounding be your choice of compounding pharmacy for the highest quality of services for your unique medication needs.

Let HALDEY Pharmaceutical Compounding help your practitioner help you with the best individualized options for your situation, in this case:

  • Erectile Dysfunction customized preparations for male patients.
  • Testosterone Replacement Therapy for male patients.
  • Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for female patients.
  • Large variety of customized preparations for female sexual dysfunction with and without hormones, etc.

For more information, visit us at:

Or ask your doctor to give us a call at: 646-530-0033


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